php - Hightest value of an associative array -

is there easy way hightest numeric value of associative array?

$array = array(     0 => array(         'key1' => '123',         'key2' => 'values we',         'key3' => 'do not',         'key4' => 'care about'     ),     1 => array(         'key1' => '124',         'key2' => 'values we',         'key3' => 'do not',         'key4' => 'care about'     ),     2 => array(         'key1' => '125',         'key2' => 'values we',         'key3' => 'do not',         'key4' => 'care about'     ) );  awesomefunction($array, 'key1'); // returns 2 ($array key) 

please kind since question written phone. thanks.

if know data in format, should work.

function getmax( $array ) {     $max = 0;     foreach( $array $k => $v )     {         $max = max( array( $max, $v['key1'] ) );     }     return $max; } 


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