jQuery Selects Plugin, pull variables from database -

i'm using code able generate dynamic select: demo: http://www.erichynds.com/examples/jquery-related-selects code: https://github.com/ehynds/jquery-related-selects

i have changed code of orignal script from:

$counties = array(); $counties['1']['barn'] = 'barnstable'; $counties['1']['plym'] = 'plymouth'; $counties['2']['chit'] = 'chittenden'; $counties['3']['ande'] = 'anderson'; 


$counties = array(); $sql = "select         id,         naam,         klant_id         contactpersoon         order klant_id asc ";  if(!$res = mysql_query($sql,$con)) {     trigger_error(mysql_error().'<br />in query: '.$sql); } else {     while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res))     {         $counties[$row['klant_id'][$row['id'] =  htmlentities($row['naam']);      } } 

but reason pulldown select list not created when changes made. when test query, no errors shown.

there error, @ least in code posted. square brackets appear bit off.

$counties[$row['klant_id'][$row['id'] =  htmlentities($row['naam']);  


$counties [$row['klant_id']] [$row['id']] =  htmlentities($row['naam']);  


$a = $row['klant_id']; $b = $row['id']; $counties[a][b]= htmlentities($row['naam']); 


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