iphone - touchesbegan touches only registers one touch even with two fingers -
i touch down @ same time 2 fingers. [touches count]=>1 , [[event alltouches] count] =>2
shouldn't 2 both of them?
also, when first place 1 finger down on same cell. second finger event doesn't cause touchesbegan drigger? shouldn't call touchesbegan twice?
i have table cell set:
multipletouchenabled = yes;
here touches began:
-(void) touchesbegan:(nsset *)touches withevent:(uievent *)event{ nslog(@"began touch count %d", [touches count]); nslog(@"all touches %d", [[event alltouches] count]); }
there seems going on touches when using uitableviewcell
. guess is has built in handling of detecting swipes , touches cell being able handle scrolling of uitableview
itself. workaround can add own view cell's contentview
able detect touches. along lines of:
mycustomview *customview = [[mycustomview alloc] initwithframe:...]; customview.multipletouchenabled = yes; [cell.contentview addsubview:customview]; [customview release];
where creating cell, in tableview:cellforrowatindexpath:
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