ios - The nav bar doesn't resize properly in landscape mode -

in ib created xib navigation bar , grouped tableview.

in landscape mode, nav bar doesn't resize properly. i tried change autosizing mask. changed ib. nav bar, have set flexible width (red arrow) , edge distances superview ones set except bottom margin (no red line, flexible bottom margin). tableview lines red except top margin (so flexible top margin)... nav bar resizes, 2 buttons on don't resize. tried other combinations, nothing. this doesn't work me.

the same thing happens xib navigation bar, grouped tableview , image between them.

both views corresponding these xib modal.

how problem be? i'd prefer not set them manually. tried modal view navbar, image , tableview , don't succeed in doing work it.


in ib removed navbar , in code used:

myviewcontroller *controller = [[myviewcontroller alloc]                                                                initwithnibname:@"myviewcontroller" bundle:nil];  uinavigationcontroller *innernav = [[uinavigationcontroller alloc]                                initwithrootviewcontroller:controller];  [self presentmodalviewcontroller:innernav animated:yes];  [controller release];  [innernav release];  

in way i've not problems in landscape mode.


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