excel - Need the cell reference for a cell with unknown row and known column -

i trying take id in columnx , verify find occurrence of id in columny using match() function. function returns row number of match. need take row number , combine columnz in order make reference value later run comparison on value.

here code have far:

if(exact(match(x:x, y:y, 0), z:z), "y", "n") 

the bug in code passing parameters exact function. wants 2 strings (i.e. cell values), z:z statement correctly satisfies this, there anyway achieve this:

if(exact(("z" + match(x:x, y:y, 0)), z:z), "y", "n") 

i trying create cell reference known column number (what don't know how do) , unknown row number (produced match function).

i have tried using vlookup function , not produce desired results.

have tried use indirect?

i believe that's function might need. you'll need check where need add it. i'd guess it's here:

=if(exact(indirect("z" & match(x:x, y:y, 0)), z:z), "y", "n") 



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