dllimport - How can I use a DLL from Python -

i trying load dll in python, want use econnect() function using ctypes

what know source code of dll:

  • from *.cpp source code: bool econnect( const char *host, uint port, int clientid=0);
  • from dependency walker tool: function ordinal 6 , undecorated name is

i tried access econnect 2 ways myfunction , myfunction2, wrong. here code:

from ctypes import *  def main():  ip = c_char_p('') port = c_uint(7496) client_id = c_int(0)  myfunction = getattr(cdll.twssocketclient, "?econnect@eclientsocket@@uae_npbdih@z") myfunction2= cdll.twssocketclient[6]  print myfunction print myfunction2  print myfunction(ip, port, client_id,ip)  if __name__ == "__main__": main() 

i below error:

"windowserror: exception: access violation reading 0x0000002d"

i badly need here (i not know c++). thanks!

to make things easier, more pythonic, might want ctypesgen:


it generate proper wrapper functions, data types , such you. if want know how use ctypes, might start tutorial:


anything more specific , i'll have read api dll you're attempting use.


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