python - What are the advantages/disadvantages of using Jython/IronPython/Pyjamas? -


okay, rookie here please bear me. i'm trying ask following:

  1. is plausible python-syntax fan use 1 of these options while other team members "plain vanilla" version? matter of personal preference, or require converting other people using these technologies well?
  2. is possible convert between, say, jython , java or pyjamas , javascript?
  3. also, in general, advantages/disadvantages have people experienced using these in "real world"?

i think states little more i'm looking for. input uses these technologies in industry helpful.

thanks in advance insights.

you talking 2 different things.

first, jython , ironpython python implementations can embed in java or c# application provide scripting capability. reduces amount of code have write overall. or can @ them way glue , leverage existing collection of class libraries. @ it, these things , lots of people use them.

but pyjamas else entirely. complicates web stack , makes harder pass projects on other programmers. main use case if have shop of python programmers , need provide rich internet application client side cannot afford time learn javascript. not broadly useful.

also, personal experience python programmers know javascript reasonably building web apps. not of learning curve dive javascript. i've written jscript scripts on windows batch file replacement , bits of javascript jquery in numerous web pages. when wanted learn server-side javascript node.js, took couple of weeks round out knowledge of javascript. in opinion, pyjamas should avoided. sooner, rather later, javascript engines supporting version 1.8 of language narrows gap between languages other curly braces issue.


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