php - Need help with comet, and what to choose -

i'm new comet, have read , realize php bad comet long polling.

all of project written in codeigniter php framework, code php. need request data seconds update auctions products, , i'm looking comet, php bad way comet, how can it?

also possible read mysql , send listener?


one solution ajax push engine - dish out own server handling connections clients, can use whatever backend feed data ape - including php. can work mysql directly - see example one , two. note: ape server can run on linux, bsd or mac os x (though, seem port windows should possible, since it's written in pure c, afaict).

the other 1 nginx_http_push_module - use nginx push server (no need server running, it's in ape's case) , protocol easy work with/straightforward imho.


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