php - explode string and set key for array with text that is in front of the delimiter? -

is there way take input this:

| testing==one 2 3 | setting==more testing | 

and this

array['testing'] = "one 2 three"; array['setting'] = "more testing" 

right i'm exploding string , setting array numbered index, i'd user able enter items in order , able use array keys first value.

function get_desc_second_part(&$value)  {   list(,$val_b) = explode('==',$value);   $value = trim($val_b); } 


something this? pipes adds maybe needless complexity (separator new lines):

$arr = array(); foreach (explode('|', $str_input) $line) {     $l = explode('==', trim($line));     if (isset($l[1]))         $arr[$l[0]] = $l[1]; } print_r($arr);  /* array (     [testing] => 1 2 3     [setting] => more testing ) */ 


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