.net - C# try catch pattern help -

we need try catch in our code , becomes ugly like

public void foo() {   try   {     dosomething();   }   catch(exception e)   {      //do whatever e   } }  public int fooreturnint() {   try   {      return intaftersomecalculation();   }   catch(exception e)   {     //do whatever e foo()   } } 

imagine have huge class many public functions , have apply same try catch in every single function.

ideally, since try catch part identical, , can pass down func<> parameter helper function like

public void trycatch(func<something> thefunction) {   try   {     thefunction();   }   catch(exception e)   {     //processthe common exception           } } 

then i'd imagine tidy code alot, problem how write function? return type of function depended on return type of thefunction.

if really think needed, use:

public t trycatch<t>(func<t> thefunction) {   try   {     return thefunction();   }   catch(exception e)   {     // you'll need either rethrow here, or return default(t) etc   } } 

however, advise against it. sure need try/catch blocks in of these methods? there shouldn't many try/catch blocks unless catch wraps exception , rethrows... , that's rarer in c# in java, example.

you should catch exception when can either genuinely handle gracefully or need prevent process blowing because 1 request failed (for example). tend write few catch blocks - it's relatively rare can recover errors :)

this approach going lead harder time debugging, suspect. may still worth doing, should consider pros , cons first.


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