javascript - HTML select onchange accessibility concerns -

we have request use select element's onchange trigger move new page.

in past, web accessibility literature i've read has advised against doing this. on grounds breaks user expectation, , browsers (particularly ie < 6) fired change event when moving through options keyboard, making impossible keyboard-only users make selection.

ie6+ , other more modern browsers have tested fire select onchange when option selected mouse or enter key. analytics application in question show earlier ie browsers eradicated (< 0.01%)

given our users able operate these select elements keyboard only, should feature still considered impediment accessibility? behavior seems common nowadays wonder if still break user expectation in meaningful way?

edit: ie behaves differently if select focused mouse or keyboard. when focused mouse, keyboarding through options not fire onchange when tabbing focus via keyboard, onchange fire when arrowing through.

using onchange event of select element navigate between pages can pose accessibility problem keyboard-only users.

there @ least one method of creating accessible select elements onchange handlers , has been on interwebs since 2004!

direct link accessible select code.


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