java - Richfaces modalPanel load with Ajax -

i use richfaces in project , particularly tag rich:modalpanel allows display popups in pages.

so this, include popup this:

<ui:include src="popup.xhtml" /> 

this popup contains code:

<rich:modalpanel id="sra" width="400" autosized="true" left="100" > ... </rich:modalpanel> 

finally display popup, in main page:

<a4j:commandlink id="linksra" value="#{msg['sra']}" action="#{controller.checksra}" oncomplete="#{rich:component('sra')}.show()" /> 

all work fine problem next:

in page, have many popup , each popup included in main page. weight of 1 big nothing. so, how can load popup's content in ajax when want load popup ?


re-render panel content via action , open modal in oncomplete=".."


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