Creating a Custom Button in a ListView in ASP.NET -

i have results.aspx page displays resulting records queried using sqldatasource object via listview. want add "view" button appear next each record, , when clicked take me separate page display details record. how accomplish this?


i have tried said, citronas , here's i've come with:

<td>     <asp:checkbox id="checkbox1" runat="server" /> </td> <td>     <asp:linkbutton id="linkbutton1" runat="server" commandname="viewbuttonclick" commandargument='<%# eval("serviceid") %>'>view</asp:linkbutton> </td> 

and here method want called:

protected void viewbuttonclick(object sender, commandeventargs e)     {         var serviceid = convert.toint32(e.commandargument);          servicetoview = service { serviceid = serviceid });         server.transfer("~/viewservice.aspx");     } 

unfortunately nothing missing something?

edit -- fixed

i missing something! had commandname equal method name instead of oncommand. took out commandname, kept argument bit , replaced commandname oncommand. works now, ever need commandname for?

you can add linkbutton itemtemplate of listview.
bind value identifies each record commandargument of linkbutton.
subscribe command-event of linkbutton. there have access commandeventargs.commandargument


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