c++ - Boost serialization assertion fail -

i use boost's binary serialization , worked until now. have std::list of pointers serialize output (oarchive) serialization fails inside object's serialize() function msvc's dialog:

r6010 -abort() has been called

and such string printed console window:

assertion failed: 0 == static_cast<int>(t) || 1 == static_cast<int>(t), file c:\program files\boost\boost_1_44\boost\archive\basic_binary_oprimitive.hpp, line 91

what mean?

project pretty big, sources distributed cannot post it's code here, tried simulate error within simple project - there works fine strange.

p.s. use boost 1.44 msvc2010ee on windows xp. when click "retry" on "debug error!" window debugger shows arrow on code line next serialization archive << mylist; line - mean seems error occurred @ destructor or something. when make changes inside objects serialize() function - applied when rebuild whole project (clean before compiling) - if compile (where ide shows sources include changed header recompiled) - no changes happen @ runtime since last version (i tried printf()) - that's strange. set critical definitions or something?

the line in question says:

// trap usage of invalid uninitialized boolean // otherwise crash on load. 

it looks @ point trying serialize bool hasn't been initialized. without further code can't find one.


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