android - back button in listView causes crash -

i have edittext , button. push button, launches listview activity. click on item in listview, closes activity , sets edittext item clicked on.

but if listview , hit button clicking item, crashes. think need in onpause not sure if that's best way go it.

listview, when item clicked...

            intent intent = new intent();             bundle b = new bundle();             b.putstring("text", ((textview) view).gettext().tostring());             intent.putextras(b);             setresult(success_return_code, intent);             finish(); 


            bundle b = data.getextras();             meditcategory.settext(b.getstring("text")); 

you getting exception: data null because activity did not return result.

by default, key end activity without setting result. check resultcode parameter onactivityresult see whether sub-activity returned because list item clicked:

@override protected void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent data) {     super.onactivityresult(requestcode, resultcode, data);     if (resultcode == success_return_code) {         // todo handle data here list item click     } } 

the resultcode result_canceled if activity explicitly returned that, didn't return result, or crashed during operation (see docs activity).


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