powershell - Is it possible to change the default value of $profile to a new value? -

so rather not create profile file here:


i mean don't me wrong, isn't end of world , can live it. however, keep root "my documents" reasonably lean , rather not create directory there every time start using new application.

i've nosed around looking setting might hidden, far no luck. doesn't seem in registry or of $pshome files.

do have learn live this? . . . or there way change value of $profile "stick" on system time? is, change "default value" of $profile?

the best i've thought of far, ignore $profile , instead put code in $profile.allusersallhosts source/execute file want put instead of default $profile location.

comments and/or other suggestions welcomed.


i think solution source "new" profile in existing profile you're going get.


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