apache - Using mod_rewrite how to Get the last 3 digits from a url -

i need last set of numbers random url, url looks like:


a,b,c,d etc.. can anything, numbers, letters have dashes in between

we using kohana project there additional rewrite rules in play have far...

# turn on url rewriting rewriteengine on  # installation directory rewritebase /site/  # protect hidden files being viewed <files .*>     order deny,allow     deny </files>  # protect application , system files being viewed rewriterule ^(?:application|modules|system)\b - [f,l]  #my code attempts here rewritecond %{request_uri} dealership/listing/                  rewriterule ([0-9]*)$ index.php/dealership/listing/$1       # allow files or directories exist displayed directly rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d  # rewrite other urls index.php/url rewriterule .* index.php/$0 [pt] 

i have tried few dozen configurations, setups, , researched google few hours no specific answers.

i have been able 123 never directory still attached, when have tried few configurations end in endless loop , apache error.

the end result /directory/directory2/123


your rule

rewriterule ([0-9]*)$ index.php/listing/$1 

isn't useful, because doesn't change request_uri, php won't see rewritten index.php/listing/123, see original /listing/foo-123. if add [l] flag, go loop, because corresponding reqeuestcond continue true.

typically pass url bits script parameters, example

rewriterule ([0-9]*)$ index.php?listing=$1 [l] 

however, in form not work, because ([0-9]*)$ matches empty string on end of path, cause 2 rewrites:

listing/foo-(123) → index.php?listing=123  # want ... index.php()       → index.php?listing=     # ... gets rewritten index.php()       → index.php?listing=     # no change final 

this happens because rewrite rules evaluated beginning after every rewrite (regardless of [l] flag).

thus, need more specific rule

rewriterule ^listing/[^/]*-([0-9]*)$ index.php?listing=$1 [l] 

this works on own, interact final rule, add condition on prevent looping

rewritecond $0 !^/index.php($|/)  # $0 rewriterule matched rewriterule .* index.php/$0 [l] 


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