Apache .htaccess : How to remove slash from directory end? -

how remove slash directory end?

rewriteengine on rewritecond %{request_uri} ^(.+)/$ rewriterule ^.+/$ %1 [r=301,ne,l] 

this rule doesn't work directories. issue?

i don't think going work.

say have file that in 2 directories /this , /that. 2 directories in apache root directory /var/www/domain.com

you're looking turn directory http://domain.com/that/ work http://domain.com/that. if think it, there's (or be) file that sitting in /var/www/domain.com. if logic apache allowed rewrites that, end requesting /var/www/domain.com/that file , not original directory. if /var/www/domain.com/that didn't exist, 404 you're seeing now.


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