Which is the maximum selectables rows in mysql with c#? -

hello developening c# app selecting , comparing data on db, on table has more 500'000 records. using mysql connector, , going :

select * table  

from table. question is: recommended use select * without limit? can process gives problem if select 500000 records @ once, or should user limit selecting records in groups? asking beacause in vb got problems kind of select, makes stops program.

thanks all.

edit: select function:

public object[] queryselect(string query) {     idbcommand dbcmd = dbcon.createcommand();     dbcmd.commandtext = query;      idatareader reader= dbcmd.executereader();     arraylist result = new arraylist();      while (reader.read())     {         hashtable ht = new hashtable();         int fieldcount = reader.fieldcount;          (int = 0; < fieldcount; i++)             ht.add(reader.getname(i), reader[i]);          result.add(ht);     }     reader.close();      return result.toarray(); } 

i suppose use sqlcommand.executereader , sqldatareader read data. in case, not problem per se, because request each row in loop. if reading through rows , put result in list, yes, have problem, because trying put 500,000 items memory.

if don't put rows in list, process them somehow, can garbage collected afterwards, have no problem.

updated question , showed method using. that's scenario, trouble, because result in arraylist instance 500,000 hastable instances.

nowadays should use generics, e.g. list<t> , dictionary<tkey, tvalue> instead of arraylist , hashtable. makes code type safe.


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