WCF architecture: using callbacks, events, 2x service-client? -

i have main application installed (serverapp) on lan server (which behind firewall, server can access internet cannot accessed internet directly (no static ip)), , monitoring application (monitorapp) on pc outside lan , directly connects internet.

serverapp should send notification events (basically statistics) monitorapp in timely manner (every 1-2 seconds).

performance critical factor in app, have possible reduce traffic.

  • how can make connection between these 2 applications? able use wcf callbacks in scenario? (considering cannot see server directly monitorapp).
  • is there performance preference in using using wcf service , client on 1 side , wcf service , client on other side opposed wcf callback contract. 1 thing guess have to use 2x client-services in both sides because have use basic httpbinding pass firewall.
  • any general guidelines on how implement it?
  • if plan write application monitorapp, able send commands serverapp (for clarification, let's name controlapp), should use approach?

apologies multiple questions. , thank you.

looks hard achieve solution.

i have main application installed (serverapp) on lan server (which behind firewall, server can access internet cannot accessed internet directly (no static ip))

based on should clear server can't host service because not able access outside lan. unless serverapp connects service in hosted in monitorapp or port forwarding configured on firewall there no way achieve that.

for me correct design serviceapp host service can provide monitoring data , second service issuing commands. in scenario not possible. can partially solve monitoring hosting service in monitorapp:

you can expose service contract like

[servicecontract] public interface monitoringappcontract {   [operationcontract(isoneway=true)]   void sendmonitoringdata(monitoringdata data); } 

the serverapp regulary call operation , pass monitoring data monitorapp. because of 1 way call not blocked data processing on monitorapp not notified exceptions. problem here wcf service exposed on monitorapp must available or serverapp wait open timeout.

duplex communication not solution because again serverapp have estabilish connection - again problems timeouts duplex communication sessionful , requires other care inactivity timeouts etc.

your problem can solved relay provided azure services have pay that.


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