Run ruby IRB for Ruby on rails from Aptana studio and/or radrails? -

i happy ruby on netbeans (6.9) user until learned nb (oracle) no longer supporting ruby, in future releases. so, i'm trying out aptana w radrails plugin. far trasition has been little tricky, seems okay. but, haven't figgured out how run ruby irb ruby on rails aptana studio and/or radrails. i've been using version 2.05 of aptana. appreciated

as lead developer of radrails, i'd suggest upgrading studio 3 , using irb inside embedded terminal. if you'd prefer stay on radrails 2, suggest use os terminal/command line , run irb there.

there's nothing special add on top, , we're moving towards pushing users use command line more rails in studio 3. if need interact rails app in irb session, you'll want run "ruby script/console" rails 2.x , lower, , "rails console" rails 3.x.


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