javascript - scrape parent page html from iframe -

i have iframe used generate pdf parent page. pdf maker (abcpdf) requires html file converts.

what @ present scrape parent's html using:

var temp; temp=parent.document.body.parentnode.innerhtml; 

then use form in iframe submit server massaged remove things iframe sections before being saved temporary html file pdf maker.

however resulting html code mangled, <body> instead of <body> etc , quotes around ids removed etc.

is there better way grab html?

the reason don't regenerate page html parent page complex report. contains various controls allow user show/hide sections or sort rows in tables. html has reflect user customisations.


as david mentioned, using innerhtml, you're pretty @ browser's mercy. if want have control on serialization, walk dom of parent document yourself, appending string representation of nodes buffer. take longer , involve more code, result in full control on output.

something (pseudocode):

function serializeattributes(node, buffer) {   (attribute in node.attributes) {     buffer.append(' ' + + '="' + attribute.value + '"');   } }  function serializechildren(node, buffer) {   (child in node.childnodes) {     if (child text node) {       buffer.append(child.value);     } else if (child element) {       // can add checks avoid going iframes, etc.       serializeelement(child, buffer);     }   } }  function serizalizeelement(node, buffer) {   buffer.append('<' + node.tagname);    serializeattributes(node, buffer);   if (node.haschildren) {     buffer.append('>');     serializechildren(node, buffer);     buffer.append('</' + node.tagname + '>');   } else {     buffer.append('\>');   } }  serializenode(window.parent.document); 


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