git - GitHub - prevent collaborators from using push -f -

is there way prevent force push branch or repository?

i want stop important branches having history rewritten either accidentally or intentionally. how people deal in larger development teams?

ideally, in view, possible lock few branches per repository, , prevent everyone, other repository owner doing force push them.

this easy git pre-receive hook. of course, requires able install hooks, , obvious reasons, github doesn't allow upload arbitrary executable files run on servers :-)

in general, workflow git or distributed version control system, don't allow other people push repository. instead, pull theirs. requires lower level of trust. so, workaround number 1: don't let them push, have them fork , pull them. way, can control goes repository.

another workaround set own staging repository on server own, can install own git hooks. can configure pre-receive hook denies pushing if it's not fast-forward , post-receive hook automatically forwards pushes github. of course, means lose many of benefits of using github in first place.

as third workaround, use multiple repositories. combination of 2 other approaches: have 1 repository collaborators can push , 1 have access to, pull first repository.

at rate, should file feature request github (especially if paying customer!) since seems useful feature.


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