flash as3 - how do I find an object's index in an array -

how find object's index / position within array in flash actionscript 3? trying set conditional in loop where, if object's id equal current_item variable, can return position within array.

something might - example returns position of value 7:

private var _testarray:array = new array(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 8, 7, 6);          public function arraytest()          {                trace (_testarray.indexof(7));             //should output 2         } 

so needs:

 item variabletolookfor = 9 // variable here   private var _testarray:array = new array(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 8, 7, 6);          public function arraytest()          {             trace (_testarray.indexof(variabletolookfor));             //should output 4         } 

this return -1 if item doesn't exist, otherwise output position in array.

if need more information can check here article on as3 arrays.


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